Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Being Mean

The only time that I'm mean at somebody is my big brother because we fight alot. Me and my big brother does not get along inside the house and outside of the house. We fight alot when our parents are not in the house. This is the only time that I'm ever mean at someone and he is my big brother. All of the trouble that I get blamed is cause by my big brother. We do not get along because we mostly like me, get in trouble and not my big brother. All of the troubles that is going on in the house, I get the most blamed of all. This affect me, because I will never win against my parents and my big brother get away from the troubles. My life is like Doodle because we both get in trouble and get pick-on by our big brothers. It is hard for my because ever time I tell on my brother, I get the most blamed and not my big brother. I'm like Doodle in a small way. We both nice, quiet, shy, and ever work hard for what we do best in. So, my life is like Doodle in "The Scarlet Ibis", because we both get blamed for something we do not do in the first place. That's why me and Doodle from ('The Scarlet Ibis"), get in trouble that we did not do and the cause is from our big brothers.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"The Alchemist"

In the epilogue of "The Alchemist", Santiago travel the desert for looking his Personal Legend, and met lots of new faces there. Paulo Coelho tell us how, Santiago got his Personal Legend when he was in the desert. Paulo Coehle also tell us what the "Alchemist" is during the story too. Paulo put the story in an war time frame that took place in North Africa. He also tell us how Santiago took on many challenges along the way to his Personal Legend. His Personal Legend was to go to the pyramids of Egypt and find his treasure that was buried near the pyramids. Paulo Coelho made the book famous around the world. He tell us how everybody have his/her own Personal Legend that is inside of you. His book tells us how some people can get there own Personal Legend and some don't get there own Personal Legend. I think that his book should be read because his story can put you in his/her sit in the story as way. Paulo Coelho told us how Santiago did got his Personal Legend at the end of his story and all of the promises that he made to the people he met in the middle and the end of the book. I like this book in my point of view because Paulo Coelho can tell us how a person can get there dreams and how some people can't get there dreams too. That's why I think that the book should be read because they can tell us how they feel when reading "The Alchemist", and tell us if they will read it again.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fire Investigator

My career job when I get out of college is to be a Fire Investigator. Before I become an Fire Investigator, I have to be in a fire class at a 2 or a 4 yrs. college. After I finish my college years, I will be an Fire Investiagtor. I will be taught how to find clues or evidence how a fire started. I will help the victims out in any cause. I will also be taught how to be court and talk about the fire scence. It will be hard because an Fire Investiagtor has to tell a story how the fire started, and how the victims can get back to there new homes. That statment means that you have to tell a story how it started and where it started in the first place. That's why I want to be an Fire Investiagtor in the first place. It will be rought and tought becasue an Fire Investiagtor will get the job done right. An Fire Investigator can also get alot of evidence out of a fire scence if it is not destoryed by the fire or the water by the hoses. It is important to get the evidence before something bad happened because you don't know what will happened if the fire can start up again. An Fire Investiagtor is the job I want because I want to help out the victims who lost there homes in a bad fire. I want to do that in my career choice because I want to help out the people who need help in any cause. That's why I want to be an Fire Investiagtor, so I can help out the victims who lost there homes in the fire and put the person who put the house on fire in jail.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Job Seeking

The job that I'm looking for when I'm 25 yrs. old is a place in the Fire Service. The job that I'm interest in, is the Forest Fire Protection Service or as a Fire Investigation Service. Those jobs is best for me because I can be orgazined, help people out, get them supported, inventing new ideas, adapted new procedures, gathering information, updating files, organzing files, making decisions, motivating others, and providing customers service. Those are some of the skills that my job can do. The others skills that my job can do, is that we always help customers out in any way as possible. We have to supported our team mates in any way if a problem or a situation comes up. We have to make a decision to everything that we do at this job. All of the files that make up a problem or two, we have to inventing new ideas to them and put them out to the team. This job will be tought of me because I will be a new member that join and I have to do a lot of work to do when I step into the work place. It will be hard because these jobs that I'm going for will be in the office or the field itself. That means to me that, more work that you have to do, the less time you will have to finish. These job will be perfect for me because I can do alot of work that I'm at the point that I need help to finish on. That's why these two jobs as a Forest Fire Protection Service or a Fire Investigation Service will be perfect for me when I'm 25 yrs. old and have a carrer to do with as well. The last thing that I have to said in this is that these jobs can be rought and hard, but if I have help along the way, I can get the job done right.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Polonius, Hamlet, and Privacy

I believed that snooping is a bad idea becasue it is not OK to invaded the privacy of another person. It is bad because no one like being snooped on. Why did they do it in Hamlet life? It is simple, they are trying to get hamlet life style out and his privacy out too, after his father death. Hamlet trys to be calm after his father death because he want it to past, or he want to make a payback plan to the murder who kill is father when he is asleep.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Torture in Shakespeare's England

In Shakespeare's England, torture is the one thing to do for crimes and treason against the King adn Queen of England. They have different kinds of torture during the Renaissance era. One torture device they use in the Renaissance era is the "Strappado" because it was the most common torture device they use in the Renaissance era. The Second torture device they use in the Renaissance era is the "srew in Body parts" because it can cause pain in the foot,ankle,calf,hands,and anywhere on the human body parts to cause pain everywhere. The Third torture device they use in the Renaissance era is water because water was the massive pain to get when being torture. It also can cause severe pain like no other. The Fourth torture device they use in the Renaissance era is "Pincers or Tongs" because they can be heated up so hot and make marks in the body for the crimes they did. The Fifth torture device they use in the Renaissance era is "Grease and Fire" because they can be boilded to death or cook to death from the grease they use on the human body. Torture can be slow, so they can feel pain in there body. Why did they do it in the first place? It is a sign to anybody of what kind of torture they can do to people when a crime is broked in Shakespeare's England during the Renaissance era.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Home Sweet Home

My neighborhood has some troubles around the area. Some people don't like each other, but something always happened when people don't get along together. There always fights and all others things that people do in Magnolia. Magnolia is always up and running with people are fighting /got hit/fires and all others, that I can named. In all, people do sometimes get together and support the fallen, and some do care of the people they love fighting for this country. This statement is the only time that people can be together. That is the only time every that I known that poeple can be together and support the troops over seas. Other times, they will fight and do something wrong to affect the town. I think that this town should be fix before the troops come home from the war in the Middle East. If we fix the town up, the soldiers that are coming home will be happy that all the troulbes or problems are gone from this town for good. That's what I think about my town and all that I klnown throughout my life in Magnolia.