Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fire Investigator

My career job when I get out of college is to be a Fire Investigator. Before I become an Fire Investigator, I have to be in a fire class at a 2 or a 4 yrs. college. After I finish my college years, I will be an Fire Investiagtor. I will be taught how to find clues or evidence how a fire started. I will help the victims out in any cause. I will also be taught how to be court and talk about the fire scence. It will be hard because an Fire Investiagtor has to tell a story how the fire started, and how the victims can get back to there new homes. That statment means that you have to tell a story how it started and where it started in the first place. That's why I want to be an Fire Investiagtor in the first place. It will be rought and tought becasue an Fire Investiagtor will get the job done right. An Fire Investigator can also get alot of evidence out of a fire scence if it is not destoryed by the fire or the water by the hoses. It is important to get the evidence before something bad happened because you don't know what will happened if the fire can start up again. An Fire Investiagtor is the job I want because I want to help out the victims who lost there homes in a bad fire. I want to do that in my career choice because I want to help out the people who need help in any cause. That's why I want to be an Fire Investiagtor, so I can help out the victims who lost there homes in the fire and put the person who put the house on fire in jail.

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